Issue Position: Reproductive Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Abortion

Under our current Republican leadership in North Carolina, we have seen the rapid erosion of a woman's right to choose. Politicians don't make great doctors, and politics has no place in a private and deeply personal decision between a woman, her faith, her family, and her doctor. I will fight to uphold a woman's constitutional right to exercise her right to choose.

Women should have control over their own healthcare decisions, and the legislature should be more concerned with ensuring increased access to health care rather than restricting it.

I will also fight Republican efforts to restrict access to birth control. Birth control is a fundamental preventive health benefit. Increased access to birth control has decreased the rate of unwanted pregnancies, while increasing infant and maternal health. Access to birth control is essential in leveling the playing field for women enabling women to fulfill an increasingly diverse range of educational, professional, social and political aspirations.
